WELCOME to my Communication Portfolio, which briefly highlights my work, development, and progression as a communicator in ENG 2003.

I am a second year Civil engineering undergraduate student currently enrolled in York University’s Lassonde School of Engineering.

Bergeron Centre of Engineering Excellence

               Head Shot of Me

I am on route to completing my Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and aspire to obtain a co-op job this year summer either independently, or through Lassonde as I have been accepted into the co-op program. I came into first year not knowing exactly what engineering I would be interested in but ultimately decided on Civil as it was advertised as involving the most work outdoors, which appealed to me as the bulk of most engineering work is in front of a computer screen with the increased popularity of calculation and design software. From various co-op positions I hope to learn more about myself and make a final decision on which industry of Civil Engineering I’d like most to attain a career in.

In my free time, I run my own website about the sport of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). This website allows me to have fun with my interest in web design as well as benefit me in other ways by being a side entrepreneurial venture. I actively post new content to keep readers and viewers interested, and recently broke the top 100k sites in the world. I also enjoy volunteering for Habitat for Humanity assisting in construction of homes for low-income families. My other hobbies include playing soccer, working out at the gym, and practicing Muay Thai and Kickboxing.

How Will I Define Success in this Course?

Often time in a competitive university environment, grades are the sole measure of success. Although I do agree that obtaining high grades to contribute to a respectable GPA plays a large role in defining success in a course, in this course I will also define success by the people I acquaint as communication and networking with other Engineers is a huge part of being an Engineer. I will also define my success in this course by comparing the quality of positive feedback received on my professional communication skills from teaching assistants and professor at the start and end of the course to observe improvements.

What/How Would I Like to MOST Improve?

I would like to most improve my comfort in oral presentations as although I would classify them as strength, I believe more experience would decrease my nervousness even more. Teaching assistants would be helpful in accomplishing this by providing constructive criticism as a grade may put you in a category, but feedback will help to take my abilities and even confidence to higher levels.