Hand-written/drawn Powerpoint Slide

Rubric for Peer/Self-Evaluation of 1-min Presentation


The fourth assignment for ENG 2003 spanned over two tutorial weeks. The first tutorial we were to design a Powerpoint slide that we would use the following week to teach a concept to our fellow tutorial peers. It was required to be hand-drawn, and done and handed in within the tutorial time. We were allowed to take a picture to use to rehearse on our own time. 


My topic of choice was naturally something I was interested in so I would not have to do research and could just write down points based on my own knowledge. I am passionate about combat sports, mixed martial arts (MMA), so that is what my presentation was about.  I believe it went well due to my knowledge and interest in the subject. I also chose this topic to find out if anyone in my tutorial shared a similar passion, and was successful in doing so. I made a new friend just based on this presentation as Sean O’Brien was also an MMA fan.

I posted the peer evaluation sheet above as although we were not required to evaluate ourselves, I’d like to use it to reflect. If I were to evaluate my own presentation I would say the best thing I did was  #1, maintaining eye contact and facial expressions as I knew my information well. The worst thing would have to be #8 as although my volume was fine, my clarity may have been a bit off due to my habit of mispronouncing words when nervous.

I enjoyed this experience as it another opportunity to work on something I wanted to since the beginning of this course as stated in Assignment #1 reflection, oral presentations. The more presentations I do, the more comfortable I am getting talking in front of an audience. This skill is crucial in not only the real world, but also the next few years of my engineering education as engineers need to be able to communicate their proposals and technical reports very well, to be able to secure contracts with companies looking for consultation.

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