
This assignment was a group presentation on a technical topic, with a time limit of 6 minutes. We presented in our tutorial section, with multiple TAs and normal tutorial peers as audience. The presentation was also recorded as per Professor Beddoe’s request as unfortunately; she could not be in two tutorials at once.

Showcase #1 (My Best Work in ENG 2003)

I believe this PowerPoint as well as the delivery of the presentation was my best work in the course as I was able to improve from my assignment #4 presentation by not getting too nervous and presenting comfortably in front of an audience. This was also my goal at the beginning of the course, so I was able to fulfill it before concluding ENG 2003.

This was an effective way to wrap up the course as it tied in a lot of the content that we covered in ENG 2003. We designed an effective PowerPoint presentation that enhanced the learning experience through images, tables, and graphs. Our slides had a good balance between images and words, and were easy on the eyes, without sacrificing substance and content. With that, we also delivered a good presentation using our experience gained already when talking in front of our tutorial for assignment #4.  The topic at hand was also quite technical and comprehensive, involving civil/environmental engineering knowledge.

Moreover, this assignment took quite a bit of time to complete and was challenging in trying to coordinate 6 group members including myself. I took a leadership role and initiative and made sure to communicate with everyone effectively, and also get a WhatsApp group started so that we could all communicate simultaneously if needed. I was also the one to split up the workload based on each group member’s interests and skills. This assignment really made me think, and tested not only my presenting ability, but also my leadership and teamwork skills as well. The most challenging work is what usually ends up being the work that you feel most proud of and are confident to say that you worked your hardest. Therefore, I believe this was one of my best work in showing my growth as an effective communicator, not only with an audience, but also with a team of future engineers.

The TAs also thought that we did a good job, rewarding our hard work with an A+ (90) grade. My comfort zone is always pushed when it comes to public speaking so that was also something that made this assignment very rewarding as watching the video of myself presenting showed me that I can be a good presenter when I am prepared and confident. The more presentations I create, coordinate and deliver, the more comfortable I am presenting and the better presenter I become. 

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