Version 1: OriginalVersion 2: Markups/Edits Visible

                                   Version 3: Final

Summary/Reflection of Editing Process

During the editing process of my Civil Engineering Materials Lab 2, I used different levels of edit, which allowed me to go through my report and review it multiple times. My first round of edits I focused on sequencing and subtopic inclusions that were missing. I was missing a list of figures, list of tables, as well as Abstract so those were added in. I confirmed that the rest of the subtopics and headings were in logical order and made sense chronologically. Next, I focused on the visual aspects of my report. During this level of edit I adjusted the title page to include a signature that would confirm that this was my original work. I also added Lassonde and York University’s logo, as suggested by my civil engineering professors. I also added a lot of missing captions from figures and tables throughout the report and edited the list of figures and tables accordingly.

The next round of edits I paid close attention to writing structure, ensuring that my document flowed smoothly and each paragraph flowed from the next. At this stage I was also asking myself reflective style questions such as: “Have I put myself in my reader’s shoes?” and “Is my main point obvious?” for each section of the report. This allowed me to follow the steps in reading for credibility, reading for the reader, as well as reading for message quality and effectiveness. This next level of edit I had to take into consideration the 7 C’s: Completeness, Conciseness, Clarity, Coherence, Correctness, Courtesy, and Credibility. In terms of correctness, I had to fix my references to MLA citation format, as well as alphabetical order.

After looking at my sentence formations, paragraph coherence, and section correctness, I had to go more in detail as during the next level of edit, I had to carefully tackle grammar and punctuation. This required close attention to detail. I read it out loud to catch grammatical errors. Fortunately, there were very few grammatical and spelling mistakes. The last level of edit was an overall review of the final draft of the lab report. I checked if my table of contents matched with the corresponding page numbers, and made sure sections were visually appealing in terms of organization and spacing. The last proofreading level was just to make sure everything was finalized and completed to its best. Overall, there were many edits to be made, and I regret not going through all these levels of edit before submitting this report last semester.

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